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A to Z of Animals

I've painted quite a lot of animals! This is the latest list of all of the animals in my zoo, with many more to come...

A – anteater, antelope, angel fish, alpaca, albatross, ant        

B – blue whale, bee, beluga, bear, butterfly, barn owl

C – camel chicken, crocodile, chameleon, crab, clownfish

D – donkey, duck, deer, dolphin, dragonfly

E – eagle owl, elephant, eagle, echidna, electric eel, emu

F – flamingo, frog, fox, flying fox, finch, flounder

G – gecko, giraffe, goose, Gouldian finch, grasshopper, grizzly bear

H – hermit crab, humpback whale, hippo, honey badger, hummingbird, hyena

I – iguana, impala

J – jellyfish, jackal, jebu, jerboa, jaguar

K – kangaroo, kingfisher, koala, kudu, killer whale, kookaburra

L – leopard, lilac breasted roller, lemur, leopard seal, ladybird, lobster, lionfish

M – mantis, monkey , meerkat, moose, manta ray, millipede, macaw, mandarin duck

N – narwhal, newt, nightingale, nurse shark, numbat

O – orangutan, ostrich, osprey, opossum, orca, okapi, owl

P – pangolin, puffer fish, peacock, parrotfish, penguin, platypus, polar bear

Q – quokka, quetzal

R – reindeer, rhino, red cardinal, red panda, runner duck

S – sloth, sea horse, starfish, stag, swan, sea turtle

T – toucan, turtle, tree frog, trigger fish, tiger

U – umbrellabird                                                                 

V – vervet, vulture              

W – wombat, wolf, wrasse, warthog

X – x-ray tetra                                                                      

Y – yak, yellowfin tuna                   

Z – zebra, zebra finch, zebu, zebra shark, Zanzibar red bishop